
September promotional code:September7

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Reviews (8)

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US$ 21.02
Reviews (8)
  • St****ie
    Arrived in the UK in 12 days. Very clean sculpts,with very little tidy up required. Detail on the faces is a little soft,but I'll be putting helmets on them. Great service as always.
    30 Days Ago
  • M****M
    Very good Cast!!!
    30 Days Ago
  • M****M
    Very good Cast!!!
    30 Days Ago
  • s****1
    The details were a bit soft, specially the faces, guns and partially the torso. Still good for the price but have seen so much better from this site.
    30 Days Ago
  • B****b
    Pretty good casts for the price, be warned that the leather strips on the tabbards might be miscast.
    30 Days Ago
  • M****.
    Very good cast, all details are visible. Even on the faces.
    Glad i ordered them.
    30 Days Ago
  • S****i
    Very good, crisp cast. As good as the Forgeworld version.
    30 Days Ago
  • Gr****st
    Its a great cast, I highly recommend this to people who do not want to pay FW prices
    30 Days Ago
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