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Home>The Horus Heresy>DARK ANGELS>Dark Angels Primaris Lieutenant Zakariah
Dark Angels Primaris Lieutenant Zakariah

Dark Angels Primaris Lieutenant Zakariah

US$ 10.99

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Dark Angels Primaris Lieutenant Zakariah
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Customer Reviews


30 Days Ago

The sword was basically unusable, but the rest of the figure was just excellent from head to toe. Good mold, very good translation from plastic to resin. Would recommend buying it now that GW shafted his model and in-game profile.

30 Days Ago

With the exception of the legs, model looks great. Both legs will require a bit of work to clean up. What would, on the original plastic model be a simple mold line to remove is pretty rough on this one. Line runs up the front and back of both legs. Surprisingly, came on sprue.

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